06 373 858 02 info@heelt.nl


Treatment methods practice HEELT

Practice HEELT uses various treatment methods, such as Energetic Therapy, Systemic Coaching, Reconnection- and Aura and Chakra Healing

Energetic Therapy

Energetic therapy is the restoration of the energy balance that is important for ones daily functioning.

Systemic Coaching

With the help of various setup methods, that what is happening in your system is made visible and tangible.

The setup gives you new insights about yourself, your place in the system and the mutual relationships within your family system.

Reconnection Healing

Reconnection healing is a method that works with energy and powerful frequencies that work on the DNA and cell level and influence brain waves.

Aura and Chakra Healing

Aura and Chakra healing is a method in which the Aura and Chakra’s are cleansed and revitalized and brought into balance using precious stones.

Within the vision of the profession as an energetic therapist and systemic coach, the importance of good cooperation with professional and alternative care providers is obvious.

There is no reason not to undergo an energetic therapy, systemic coaching treatment or healing!

However, I am not a doctor and I do not make a diagnosis.

It may be that an energetic or systemic treatment alone is not enough. I will refer you to a general practitioner or medical specialist.